We are currently integrating an upgrade to our entire network that will enhance all our web hosting, audio and video services simultaneously while integrating a robust, expandable and enivronmentally friendly infrastructure for power, monitoring and system wide back-ups.



Canada, US and European servers available - Push & Pull Streaming Technology - Multi-bitrate streaming available - Real Time Geo Stats - Real Time Graphs Stats - Web Admin Control Panel - http and mms listening addresses.

Account Management System
We've developed the tools you will need to administer, manage and protect your streaming media content from one easy login. The Account Management System allows complete control and access to all your accounts.

24/7 Live Tech Support (Phone/E-mail)
We're committed to the highest quality technical support in the industry. Our highly skilled and trained Technical Support Team isavailable 24/7 to resolve all your issues and to create the best experience for you and your customers. Both Telephone and E-mail Technical Support is available 24/7/365.

Live Streaming Reports
The Live Streaming Reports is a custom designed web based application allowing total control and access to a full range of statistical information. The system is updated every 10 minutes giving you instant access to real time reporting.

Load Balancing
This service is for Live and/or Archived Windows Media Content that requires load balancing capabilities essential for deploying scalable and robust streaming media deployment. Evenly distribute your content to enhance availability for high load usage.

Automated Encoding System

Simply upload your audio or video clip and our system encodes it automatically into three formats. Once you have an Active Archive Account you will gain full access to the Automated Encoder. You can encode one clip in all 3 formats at any bitrates.
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